Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Latest Update

I know that it's been a while that we have possted anything, but here it is. Tomorrow Steve's case goes in front of the transplant board for approval. They just make sure that he passed all his test that he took (stress test, echo, ekg, colonoscopy etc..)that is needed for a transplant. We are keeping our fingers crossed and praying that everything goes as planned!
We did find out that he is AB+ ( its a rare blood type) and that they can not give us an average time frame of how long he may be on the list if we dont find a living donor. It is a lot easier if he gets it from a living donor rather than a cadaver ( a little disappointing)again we are praying for the best.

1 comment:

  1. We will be praying for Steve and your family Tracy :) God is on his side he will provide!!

    Liz Yarbrough-Joye
