Polycystic Kidney Disease, this is what is causing Steve to need a new kidney. It's hereditary. Steve was told last month that by December of 2010 he will either need a transplant or be on dialysis. At this point we are doing all we can do to live a "normal" life but yet prepare for this trying time. As we get more news on when and where we will post. At this time we have chosen to go through Swedish Medical in Seattle. We are waiting for the paperwork to come to us from the transplant team. Unfortunately we are a month behind as his doctor originally sent his information to the transplant team at another hospital that our insurance did not cover. So, here we are starting all over again and we are about a month behind :o(. Once this happens he will start getting tested to see what his blood type is so we can see if we are a match for him or anyone willing to donate or when he gets one from an unknown donor. Lots of testing and classes ahead for us in the near future. I'm posting a picture of what his kidneys look like although its not his kidneys it a picture from the mayoclinic.com.
Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers.
Tracy and Steve if you need one of my kidneys please dont hesitate to ask . All I know is that I am O+ . Give me a call if I can help. Love both bunches Shelly