So much information is given (four hours worth). Well, they explained the process of blood typing and the the different kinds of list he can go on. There is the "normal" list and then theres a list that if Im not compatible to him I can be to someone else and we can "swap" kidneys, interesting and encouraging. You can't be on the list until you are at 20% failure, well Steve was at 19% last month. Where do we go from here? He has to finish getting dental work done and cleared by his dentist, colonoscopy, nuclear stress test (he had an abnormal ekg)and then his case will go in front of the transplant team and they have to "approve" him that he is a good candidate. Once this is done he goes on the list... Woo-hoo so excite! Will post what his test results are when they come back on Monday. They took twenty tubes of blood and they did his blood type and his tissue too!
Thanks for the love and support!